Friday, June 28, 2013

Carnivore update

Well, I strayed from the path. I dropped all the way down to 293. That's the first time in a decade I've been below 300. And it was more than a thirty-pound change. That's a huge improvement for such a short span. But I let cockiness and social pressure ruin me.

The cockiness came in the form of me deciding that I had started something magical. I began thinking that the weight would keep coming off even if I cheated a bit here and there. Of course, one bad food choice won't ruin a good diet. And that's the problem. You make one bad choice, suffer no ill consequences, and decide the choice wasn't so bad after all. So that choice gets repeated. Before long you are right back eating what you were before. Neanderthals did not eat Doritos or ice cream.

The social pressure is the same as ever. We went to a couple parties with friends. It is rude to go to a friend's house and not eat what they've prepared. And when there's beer and various "treats" laid out for consumption it becomes nearly impossible to avoid it. Especially when combined with the cockiness I just mentioned.

So now I'm back up to 303. I've been sleeping poorly. I've had no energy. And my psyche has been nihilistic. The amazing part, to me at least, is that even with everything I know about the effects of grains I still chalked up my issues to everything but my diet. I started to believe it was just "getting old". Or maybe I had caught some sort of bug. I actually believed that I was still eating "good enough" to at least maintain what I had achieved. I ignored my own advice about the stupidity of the "80/20 rule".

The good news is that I finally snapped out of it. I'm back to nearly full-carnivore. The only non-meat I've eaten the past two days is a couple bananas and some raw almonds. Just two days back on track and I'm already feeling better and sleeping better. Assuming I can stay on the path this time, I expect to be below 290 within a month.

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