Friday, June 24, 2011


My girlfriend suggested I start my own blog on the paleo lifestyle. She likes my take on things. But I think she was becoming tired of my less-than-fluffy comments on her paleo blog. If you've seen my socio-political blog you know I'm not one to mince words. So I thought I would bring that sensibility to focus on what is rapidly becoming a circus.

I am an unapologetic caveman. Quite literally a proud neanderthal. I have simple tastes in food. I'm an omnivore who leans heavily towards the carnivore end of the spectrum. So the paleo lifestyle is perfect for me.

The fact I have been paleo my entire life, before the idea was ever formalized, gives me a unique perspective on the lifestyle. I don't live this way because it's trendy or because it's different. I live this way because it's the way I am wired to live.

So I want to cut through the bullshit that smothers legitimate thought on this internet thing. I want to use simple logic and basic data to show what being a caveman is all about.

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